quarta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2010

The Legend of Beauty

Once, for a sad quirk of fate, the power of the world was falling into the hands of hateful Vulgarity.
What did the Vulgar to ascend the throne?
Decided to destroy and annihilate its dangerous rival - Beauty.
Calling the boredom, his favorite servant, told him the execrable sovereign:
- I hate beauty! I want to make it disappear from the earth.
You have to order to arrest her and kill her anyway.
The Boredom replied:
- I hear and obey, ma'am! But ultimately, as is Beauty? How can I find it, if not I know?
- Nothing could be simpler-made Wonders Vulgarity-a poet and soon you will know how anyone is Beauty.
It broke the boredom.
Finding a poet questioned him:
- How is Beauty?
Without hesitation, replied the poet:
- Still ignorant? Beauty is blonde with blue eyes the color of the sky and your skin is clear and rosy, her hands ...
- Enough! Everything else you say would be tedious and useless. I know as well is Beauty
"I'll find it for but it is hidden.
Boredom and went in search of Beauty ....
After a long walk, came to the country of Moab, beyond the great desert.
A peasant rested under a tree.
- You have seen here - said the Beauty of Boredom, I'm looking for?
- Want to discover the beauty! - Exclaimed the peasant. Here it is there, O stranger!
He pointed toward a young man who walked to the bridge, leading to shoulder a small pitcher.
The Boredom tried to make sure. The girl was graceful brunette with green eyes and brown hair
as the daughters of Judah!
But differed from that which had been as described by the poet! No, it could be a beauty!
- The Beauty fled to China! - Said a pilgrim.
Boredom ensued to China and asked for a wealthy mandarin who uttered silk kites:
- Lord! Has the Beauty appeared in your land?
- Appeared yes - replied, happy, Mandarin-Hey you!
And with his finger nails long and angular, pointed to a girl employed in making paper lanterns.
The slave of Vulgarity prepared to execute the order he had received. Mistaken, however,
the informant. Young indicated that Mandarin was pale, slender, had the almond eyes, dark hair and wavy. No, it could not be a beauty!
The Boredom left the country of the Chinese and was in search of other climates.
Before him fled the Beauty always cunningly hiding. His whole effort became useless.
Could not find and destroy the beauty!
- Beauty is why the flowers and dominates, in ways so diverse, when observed, in nooks and undisputed world countries. Here is brown and has black eyes, is further
blonde's eyes light indigo. Here is lively and cheerful, for, in addition, appear sentimental and tender!
Beauty is that to escape the evil of boredom and the danger of Vulgarity, and always varies continuously.
(Malba Tahan)

Now think, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and varies from person to person: D
This text came in my test and thought it would be nice to put it here

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